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A lot with a little, and a big God – Bishop William Chalmers

A lot with a little, and a big God – Bishop William Chalmers

Sometimes I wonder whether our diocese will ever be out of debt. And the feelings that go with indebtedness have the potential to halt ministry expansion, don’t they? New ministry is risky and debt can make us risk-averse. This set of feelings rhymes with the...

From Bishop Trevor – What is Christian Freedom?

I recently attended the annual Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast. The guest speaker was Os Guinness, a prophet of our times, who spoke about freedom. The big issue is actually defining freedom. This was the challenge presented by Os Guinness. As a young man I read one of...

Mission from the Centre – the Vision of Bishop Barlow

He was the first Australian bishop to be ordained in Australia, the first without a university degree and the first to own a car. It’s not necessarily the stuff of legend, but it does suggest that Bishop Christopher Barlow was part of a pioneering age in an Australian...

Know Your Bishop – Mesac Thomas

'We are a missionary diocese, and we have missionary work to do.' Six years into his three-decade project, Mesac Thomas found himself endlessly stretching to meet the expanding boundaries of white settlement in New South Wales. After his first major tour of his See,...

Integrity Needed – Bishop Trevor writes

I have been following with dismay the findings of the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry. It is bad enough that deceit, exploitation and fraudulent practices took place, even worse that outright lying to...

Keep Calm and Carry On – From Bishop Trevor

Dear sisters and brothers, We have just formally thanked and farewelled Bishop Stuart and his wife Jane after their nine years of faithful leadership in this Diocese. They have moved on to their next assignment in serving God and his people, so we are now officially...

Bishop Stuart’s Last Hurrah

Bishop Stuart’s Last Hurrah

On Easter Saturday, in the final moment of his episcopacy, Bishop Stuart laid up his pastoral staff at St Saviour’s Cathedral, Goulburn. It was a magnificent autumn day and a service glowing with warmth and thankfulness to Bishop Stuart and Jane for their ministry...

The Hour Has Come – A Lenten Reflection from Bishop Trevor

The Hour Has Come – A Lenten Reflection from Bishop Trevor

We are all familiar with the very human experience of facing a deadline or change. When I was a student faced with writing essays I used to read voraciously, but when the due date drew near I knew I had to put pen to paper to complete the assignment. There was that...

Synod March 2018 Ordinances

Synod March 2018 Ordinances

On Saturday 3rd March 2018, the Second Session of the 46th Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn met to consider 10 canons made by the Seventeenth Session of the General Synod in 2017. Two of these canons made alterations to the Constitution and the...

Anglican Summary – Child Abuse Royal Commission’s Final Report

Beloved in Christ, Attached above (RC Final Report Vol 16 Book 1 Anglican Summary 151217) is a section of the final report from the ‘Royal Commission’ as it relates to the Anglican Church. And below you will find further reference links. The Diocese of Canberra and...