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On Saturday 3rd March 2018, the Second Session of the 46th Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn met to consider 10 canons made by the Seventeenth Session of the General Synod in 2017. Two of these canons made alterations to the Constitution and the other eight affected the order and good governance of the Church within this Diocese.

In the words of Bishop Stuart in his introductory remarks:

‘The legislation that we need to endorse will, please God, say to a watching … world that they are loved of God – as evidenced by our commitment to their well-being, safety and wholeness; that our churches and communities of faith are safe places – that the hospitality we offer is truly life-giving …’

Great thanks is extended to the Chancellor for his enormous effort in preparing the material and so ably leading the Synod through the Ordinances.

Below is a list of the ordinances passed, which will be available shortly via this link.

1. General Synod (Constitution (Appellate Tribunal) Amendment Canon) Assent Ordinance 2018
2. General Synod (Constitution (Jurisdiction of Special Tribunal) Amendment Canon) Assent Ordinance 2018
3. General Synod (Safe Ministry to Children Canon) Adoption Ordinance 2018
4. General Synod (Episcopal Standards (Child Protection) Canon) Adoption Ordinance 2018
5. General Synod (Special Tribunal (Limitation Period) Canon) Adoption Ordinance 2018
6. General Synod (Offences Amendment Canon) Adoption Ordinance 2018
7. General Synod (Canon Concerning Confessions (Revision) Canon) Adoption Ordinance 2018
8. General Synod (Canon Concerning Confessions (Vulnerable Persons) Canon) Adoption Ordinance 2018
9. General Synod (Holy Orders (Removal from Exercise of Ministry) Canon) Adoption Ordinance 2018
10. General Synod (Canon Concerning Services Amendment Canon) Adoption Ordinance 2018

From Bishop Stuart following the result:

I am delighted to report that all the ‘child protection legislation’ … was endorsed wholeheartedly by the Synod (3/3/18). This is a moment of great significance and it will set the course for ministry and pastoral care for a generation. Thanks be to God!’


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