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A Winter Baptism in Bodalla

A Winter Baptism in Bodalla

On Saturday 27th June, a small group of Christians and enquirers celebrated with Michelle Winter at her baptism in All Saints’ Church, Bodalla. As she was washed clean in the waters of baptism and confessed Christ as her Lord, Saviour and friend, we prayed for her to...

Beautiful people, beautiful diocese

Beautiful people, beautiful diocese

Small groups in our beautiful Anglican Diocese are resuming meeting face to face again. It is lovely to see people’s precious faces and handsome smiles. God is good. Bishop Mark and Monica’s exciting news is – on the 7th June 2020, the Holt group ‘Jesus, A Friend For...

Mary Thorn, Deacon and Unsung Hero

On 25th March this year Reverend Mary Thorn marked the 20th anniversary of her ordination to the diaconate. How appropriate that she was ordained on ‘Lady Day’, the feast of the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary! Her ordination took place in her home church,...

Meet the New Rector for North Goulburn

Meet the New Rector for North Goulburn

Paul and Lorraine Davey and their four children are headed to the rural city of Goulburn. From mid-July Paul will be the new rector of St Nicholas Anglican Church in North Goulburn. ‘Goulburn is famous for its big sheep and we hope that God will use us to find and...

Sometimes an empty space is not enough

Sometimes an empty space is not enough

Sometimes an empty space is not enough. In Matthew 12:43-45 Jesus tells the story of an unclean spirit which goes out of a person, but when it returns welcomes in seven other evil spirits so that their victim is left in a worse state. While the original context of the...

Solitude and Society: faith beyond COVID-19

Solitude and Society: faith beyond COVID-19

A pandemic can shake us up and disturb our equilibrium. The recent challenges of the COVID-19 global pandemic have raised acute existential questions for individuals and institutions. A question arises for disciples of Christ, whether in the churches, politics,...

Built together – Bishop Carol Writes

Built together – Bishop Carol Writes

​We have a neighbour who is a builder. During this time of COVID-19 restrictions, he has had some time on his hands, so he has started work on a retaining wall bordering our two properties. I have noticed with interest the hours he has put into the placement of a...

Crossing the Aisle

Crossing the Aisle

On 3 March 2020 the clergy from across the Diocese gathered for their Annual One Day Clergy Conference. Peter Carolane from Melbourne, who has had a long involvement in youth ministry and church planting, gave two presentations on ‘Crossing the Aisle’. To ‘cross the...

Presence anywhere and everywhere

Presence anywhere and everywhere

“And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” These words of the risen Jesus,spoken to his disciples right at the end of Matthew’s gospel, have particular power in our current circumstances. Presence matters. It matters to us when we are no longer able...

Responding to Change – Bishop Carol Writes

As I sit in my new office, looking out over the city of Canberra instead of the sparkling waters of the Wagonga Inlet, I have been reflecting on the impact of change in our lives. In the aftermath of the dreadful fires this summer season, change has affected us in...