Towards net zero carbon emissions by 2040
Diocese Action
Our action plan seeks to demonstrate our commitment to the fifth mark of mission to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.

“The planet will survive without us, we will not survive without a healthy, richly diverse, planet… We have been provided with a rhythm, a sabbath rhythm of rest and renewal, which we have largely or totally ignored!”
Bishop George Browning
(former Anglican Bishop of Canberra & Goulburn)
Nicholls, K 2021, ‘Climate & Faith: Christians for an Ethical Society’, The Anglican News, 7 July, accessed April 2024 from Anglican Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn
The Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn covers a large geographic area and owns significant church property assets which are vested in the Anglican Church Property Trust Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn (ACPT).
The Diocesan Office comprising the Bishop’s Office and Anglican Diocesan Services (ADS), is operated from leased premises and does not have direct control over the building, however, does have control over the individual tenancies from which it operates.
Leadership and Governance are critical components in our commitment to delivering and influencing our climate transition response. The Diocese, though the Bishop’s Office and ADS has a key role supporting and encouraging wise climate choices and actions across our ministry units, agencies, schools and wider networks, as we transition towards the total of net-zero.
Similarly, our Diocesan Governance bodies (Synod, Bishop-in-Council (BiC), Diocesan Finance Committee, Public Issues Commission and AIDF) also have an important role in setting the policy agenda and investment strategy to oversee our climate transition and ensure accountability.
Within Anglican Diocesan Services (ADS) much has already been achieved. This has included:
- procurement of renewable energy agreements;
- transitioning the vehicle fleet to low/no emission vehicles and reporting on emissions;
- recycling programs;
- assisting ministry units to undertake sustainability assessments;
- developing asset management and maintenance plans;
- assisting ministry units and agencies to access grant funding; and
- facilitating ongoing insurance via AIRS.
Through our Anglican Education Network (Company Schools, Diocesan Schools, ELCs) we are reaching and engaging with nearly 12,000 students and their families.
In addition, Anglicare is playing a vital role in the provision of social welfare services for those in need, as well as through its Disaster Recovery networks.
These partnerships and the resultant community reach place us in a unique position to positively influence the broader community on sustainability and climate change initiatives within an Anglican Christian context.
Nationally and globally there are also many other Anglican organisations working to promote sustainability and climate action, that we can also partner with and draw on their resources, for example:

Most of the energy use and carbon emissions from the buildings across our Diocese (churches and church buildings; church housing, schools/ELCs, and offices) is from heating, cooling, lighting and appliances.
In the ACT 100% of our electricity comes from renewable sources. However, this is not yet the case in NSW although the transition has commenced. Where energy is not currently being derived from renewable sources, entities should look to switch to a provider that offers this option. These days electricity bills often provide data on carbon emissions if they don’t contact your energy provider to ask about this.
In many of our smaller ministry units, where churches and buildings are only used infrequently (i.e. a few hours each week or month) the carbon footprint is likely already very low. The priority in these locations is good maintenance (i.e. ensuring roofs, gutters, walls, windows and doors are regularly inspected and kept well maintained) and other climate wise initiatives.

Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development is a key component of our strategy.
When considering new developments, building projects or refurbishments we are committed to embedding sustainability into these projects so that they are built using Ecologically or Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) principles, integrating social, economic and environmental considerations.
This will ensure they are energy, water and waste efficient buildings and will demonstrate our commitment to a low carbon future. In addition, ESD promotes solutions that can have a positive impact on the physical health and wellbeing of occupants, while also making them resilient and adaptable to the impacts of short and long-term stressors as a result of weather events and climate change.
A key source of emissions across the Diocese is from vehicles. The Diocese has had a sustainable vehicle policy in place since 2007. This is now known as the ADS Fleet Management Policy and Procedure.
This policy applies to all ministry units, agencies and schools whether or not they use ADS Fleet to procure vehicles. All entities of the Diocese are encouraged to obtain a Fuel Card for their vehicles (see below).
As part of our ongoing commitment to a sustainable future we have been actively transitioning our ADS Fleet to low/no emissions vehicles to reduce our carbon footprint.
The ADS Fleet Management Policy and Procedure contains “Vehicle Selection Guidelines” which outlines limits around engine sizes, fuels and maximum carbon emissions for each vehicle category. It also details a process for further reducing vehicles emissions over the coming years.
The use of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) and other clean-energy vehicles is part of our strategy to reduce emissions from the fleet. Where feasible these vehicles should be considered as substitutes to internal combustion engine (ICE) only vehicles.

Key Considerations in the Transition to EVs
The Journey to EV Adoption
To understand where fleets are currently at in their EV journey.
Procuring EVs
To understand how fleets acquire EVs and the internal thinking around procurement.
EV Charging Infrastructure
To explore current charging arrangements.
Vehicle Replacement Cycles
To understand plans for EV integration into replacement cycles.
Overcoming Barriers
To identify the challenges and opportunities in the fleet management market in integrating EVs.
ADS Fleet
The overarching objective of ADS Fleet is to understand the current fleet EV landscape and identify potential opportunities to simplify the integration of electric vehicles into end agency fleets.
This objective to transition vehicles is underpinned by the key considerations outlined below after a 2-year trial of Hybrid, Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV) and BEV, review of vehicle resale prices and driver feedback.
Following this trial ADS Fleet will only be adopting a BEV model, as this achieved an optimal result in terms of driver feedback, operational cost and reduction of carbon emissions. The BEV also have a significant FBT exemption for agencies and approximately 60% lower operational costs.
Prior to the introduction of BEV, ADS Fleet averaged a monthly fuel consumption of 28,797 litres, this is currently reduced to an average monthly fuel consumption of 26,915 litres.
The easiest way to understand and calculate vehicle emissions is to obtain a Fuel Card via the ADS Fleet.
- Access a software programme that collects and analyses data from the fuel card to show individual vehicle carbon emissions performance
- Utilise an online training facility to upgrade fleet driver skills in using fuel more efficiently
- Automatically offset remaining fleet carbon emissions to compensate for fleet fuel carbon emissions

Tookit Resources
Parishes & Ministry Units
A roadmap with tools and resources for our Parishes & Ministry Units to kickstart the journey towards a greener, more resilient future.
Schools & ELCs
A guided journey with essential tools and resources to achieve a greener, more sustainable future for our schools and future generations.
Get in Touch for Climate Action
Contact Us
If you have any questions about our climate change action plan or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are here to support our parishes, schools, and agencies in implementing effective carbon reduction measures.
Contact us using the form below or through the provided contact details.