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Building During a Pandemic

As church ministry was suspended from mid-March due to the COVID-19 pandemic, South Wagga Anglican Church received the timely news that it had successfully received a NSW Government Stronger Country Communities Fund grant for $122,000 to undertake an amenities and...

Profile of a Deacon – Heather Millard

Profile of a Deacon – Heather Millard

‘Charlie 94 to Control ...’ It’s official, I’m now on active duty as a Chaplain for the NSW Ambulance Service. I don’t know what the day will hold, but I’m starting out with a delivery of hot chocolate and marshmallows to Queanbeyan station because it really is a true...

Thank You to Two Diocesan Stalwarts

Two of the Diocese’s long-serving members have recently resigned: Archdeacon Brian Douglas from 10 August and Canon Gill Varcoe from 1 September. Bishop Mark, in the most recent meeting of Bishop-in-Council, said these words of thanksgiving for The Venerable Dr Brian...

Bishop Mark Writes … Responding to Tragedy

Bishop Mark Writes … Responding to Tragedy

One of the gifts of the Christian faith is that we are able to recognize tragedy for what it is and what it isn’t. As I look back on my formative experiences as a young Christian what I remember most are not the examples of believers who handled success well, but...

In Memory of St Saviour’s Quaama

In Memory of St Saviour’s Quaama

Amidst the trauma of the loss of many homes and livelihoods that occurred during the firestorm unleashed on our district in the small hours of New Year’s Eve, came the destruction of one more building; the loss of which caused no injuries and caused no deprivation. It...

Celebrating 100 years

Huge congratulations to the Reverend Joe Mullins who celebrated his 100th birthday on 16 July 2020. Such a significant milestone in years and ministry – 70 years a Deacon and 69 years a priest since his ordinations in London. Our colleague the Reverend Robert Willson...


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned that the following story contains images of deceased persons. The daily news about COVID-19 is a current reminder of our mortality, and that life is finite. Recently we (Bishop Mark and Monica Short) have said...

The Rural Anglican Church

The Rural Anglican Church

IN 2020, THE RURAL ANGLICAN CHURCH OF AUSTRALIA IS RESILIENT AND RELEVANT This year, 2020, our precious rural Anglican churches in our beautiful Diocese are experiencing both joy and grief. For example, earlier this year we (that is Bishop Mark and Monica Short)...

The Heroic English Village

The Heroic English Village

In this very difficult time of the coronavirus pandemic I recalled again the story of an English village named Eyam. Eyam is in Derbyshire and my wife and I visited it while on a long camping holiday around Britain in 1975. My Willson ancestors came from the area...

Running a Small Business During COVID-19

Running a Small Business During COVID-19

We interviewed small business owner Gail Lubbock, of Escala Shoes, to find out what the impacts of COVID-19 have been for her and how she has been managing those. • Can you tell us how you came to be the owner of Escala Shoes? Following a nursing career spanning some...