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Two of the Diocese’s long-serving members have recently resigned: Archdeacon Brian Douglas from 10 August and Canon Gill Varcoe from 1 September.

Bishop Mark, in the most recent meeting of Bishop-in-Council, said these words of thanksgiving for The Venerable Dr Brian Douglas and The Reverend Canon Gill Varcoe: ‘Every healthy culture has its exemplars and guardians – people who both model and protect its core values and practices. In their commitment to generous fellowship and robust yet respectful engagement Canon Gill and Archdeacon Brian have fulfilled that role in our Diocese, not just on Bishop-in-Council but in many other fora as well. As they step down from various responsibilities we pray confidently that God will continue to bless our life together through them and that He might raise up others to follow their good example.’

The Diocese extends its thanks and appreciation to Archdeacon Brian for his long-standing service and contribution to the Diocese both as a Rector of St Paul’s Manuka and as Archdeacon of South Canberra; and also as a member of Bishop-in-Council, Ministry Executive, the ADS Board, the EMCU Council, the Radford College Board and the Professional Standards Board.

Members of Bishop-in-Council particularly acknowledged: Brian’s exemplary leadership in the Diocese; his thoughtful and wise counsel on the various boards and committees upon which he has served; his work to enhance strategic missional alignment; and his Archidiaconal leadership in assisting and supporting parishes and ministry units within his archdeaconry specifically QDAC and the Dinka congregation.

We offer prayers for, and best wishes to, Brian, and his wife Jane, for a happy and fulfilling retirement.

The Diocese also gives thanks and appreciation to Canon Gill for her long-standing service and contribution to the Diocese as a clerical Canon of the Cathedral elected by Synod, Deacon and Assistant Priest at Curtin, Chaplain to ANU, Lecturer at St Mark’s, Assistant Priest at Wagga Wagga, Rector at Cootamundra, Rector at SMiV, Rector at Braidwood, Vicar at West Goulburn, and more recently as Missioner at Large and Bishop’s Chaplain for Charismatic expressions of ministry, Vicar of Christ Church West Goulburn as well as overseeing All Saints’ Marulan; and also for her contribution to Bishop-in-Council, the EMCU Council and her dedicated service as Deputy Chair of Committees.

Members of Bishop-in-Council particularly acknowledged: Gill’s immense contribution to this Diocese; her committed and successful leadership through the various roles she has fulfilled; her contribution to Bishop-in-Council as one of its longest serving members; her support and mentoring of other female clergy and lay people; and her theological counsel and tolerance of robust debate

We offer prayers for, and best wishes to, Gill for this next stage of her life and ministry.

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