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Finding a Way

The COVID lockdown has forced new ways of doing things at St Nicholas’ Anglican in Goulburn. It’s been a season of ‘finding a way’ to keep some ministry happening. In-person church services were no longer an option. St Nick’s is yet to complete an audio-visual upgrade...

Retreat in Daily Life

Retreat in Daily Life

Holy Cross Hackett recently hosted a ‘Retreat in Daily Life’. The aim of the retreat was to give participants a special opportunity to draw closer to God in their personal prayer at home, by following a set pattern of prayerful meditations on Scripture passages over...

Annual Festival of Preaching

Annual Festival of Preaching

This week I ‘attended’ the Festival of Preaching hosted by St Martin-in-the-Fields in London and presented by the Church Times-Canterbury Press. To some the phrase ‘Festival of Preaching’ may seem like an oxymoron, such is the bad rap that the medium of preaching...

Making masks for Dubbo

Making masks for Dubbo

A huge thank you to everyone who wrote beautiful cards and donated masks and sanitiser to Dubbo’s Anglicare in the Bathurst Diocese. You are wonderful. In early September, The Reverend Sarah Plummer brought to the attention of our beautiful Diocese the high number of...

Temora Parish responds to call for help

Temora Parish responds to call for help

God gifts his church with everything it needs to serve him, with each member playing their part in different ways. This was evident when the parish of Temora recently responded to a call-out to provide masks to go into COVID Care Packs to assist vulnerable communities...

New Principal for Sapphire Coast Anglican College

The South Coast Anglican Schools Board is pleased to announce the appointment of a new Principal for Sapphire Coast Anglican College, to start in January 2022. Mr David Proudlove is currently Deputy Principal at Bayside Christian College in Hervey Bay. He has...

Bishop Mark Writes … On freedom and loving your neighbour

Bishop Mark Writes … On freedom and loving your neighbour

I am aware that some readers may still be thinking through the issues associated with vaccination against COVID. I offer the following as some personal reflections on how I’ve approached these issues. There are many good reasons why someone might choose to be...

Meet Archdeacon EM Anne Ranse OAM

Meet Archdeacon EM Anne Ranse OAM

Sometimes we cannot escape our pathway in life and I always make a bit of a joke of the fact that there have been clergy in my family since 1312 ( and that’s true!) so what hope did I have! But in all seriousness, I am what I am, a deacon in the church of God, a...

Bush Telegraph

The kitchen clock showed 2.00 pm - time to go. I grabbed my keys, slung my bag over my shoulder and headed for the car. It was a half hour drive along dirt roads to the high school in the next town. The Scripture class I taught was last period. Being a narrow bush...