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Children and Youth Ministry

Children and Youth Ministry

Mark 10:13-16 tells us Jesus was indignant. ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to them.’ We are entreated to receive the Kingdom of God as a little child. Jesus embraces the children and blesses them. Children...

Online Learning at The Riverina Anglican College Junior School

Online Learning at The Riverina Anglican College Junior School

At The Riverina Anglican College (TRAC) Junior School, we have two distinct yet complementary pedagogical approaches to equip students with tools and skills and to develop life-long learning dispositions. These are: 1. Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI), and 2....

Growth at St Peter’s Anglican College, Broulee

Growth at St Peter’s Anglican College, Broulee

The first 15 years of St Peter’s saw the school go through some ups and downs like many new schools. The last four years has seen the school develop into a high-quality school with enrolments improving nearly 80% in this time. Here we chat with the St Peter’s...

Making History at Burgmann Anglican School

Making History at Burgmann Anglican School

After an exhaustive national search, the Burgmann Anglican School Board has appointed Ms Leonie Harwood as its third Principal. Her appointment marks a significant milestone in the history of Burgmann Anglican School as the first female Principal in the co-educational...

To Be Confirmed …

To Be Confirmed …

‘Anglicanism,’ wrote the late theologian J.I. Packer, ‘is a pastoral form of Christianity’. By this he meant that conversion and discipleship typically take place, not via the podcast or the large convention, but through a local community and its pattern of catechism...

A New Beginning in our Cathedral

The Cathedral began face-to-face services again on Sunday 7 November. We are very fortunate that we have a large and beautiful cathedral space to worship in and our community are able to spread out, making COVID requirements easier to comply with. When we gathered...

Canberra-Goulburn’s Newest Mission District

Canberra-Goulburn’s Newest Mission District

On Friday 3 December Bishop-in- Council approved the establishment of our newest mission district. Renew Anglican Church, at first a congregation plant from the parish of Lanyon Valley, has, since its establishment in 2017, grown to the point where it made sense to...

Reverend Andrew Robinson Receives Award Recognition

Reverend Andrew Robinson Receives Award Recognition

At Canberra Grammar School’s end-of-year Presentation Afternoon ceremony, Fr Andrew Robinson was awarded the prestigious Ian Powell award for his special and sustaining contribution to the spirit, wellbeing, growth and culture of the CGS community. The following words...

Meet the New Rector of St Peter’s Weston

Meet the New Rector of St Peter’s Weston

On 16 October Nick Colyer was inducted as the new rector of St Peter’s Weston. Nick previously served as a senior assistant minister at Anglican Churches Springwood in the Blue Mountains. He is married to Sarah and they have three young children. Nick grew up on the...

Archdeacon Tom Writes … Chaplaincy and Mission Update

Archdeacon Tom Writes … Chaplaincy and Mission Update

This is my first contribution to Anglican News since arriving in the Diocese mid-April. It has been a personal rollercoaster ride of meeting people and becoming acquainted with mission and ministry within the Diocese. At the last Bishop-in- Council (BiC) Meeting for...