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Profile of a Deacon

Profile of a Deacon

Since my ordination to the diaconate in February 2018, I have been learning what it means to be a deacon. Finding myself at the interface between the flock gathered and the flock dispersed, I look back into the church, and also out to the community. That feels like a...

Solidarity with the poor in COVID-19 response

While Australia – especially Melbourne – has been struggling with the global pandemic, we can at least be sure we are supported and equipped to deal with this fight. This is not the case in many other developing countries, where the people most impacted are those...

The First Bushfire Recovery Pastoral Care Worker

The First Bushfire Recovery Pastoral Care Worker

Janice Ackland has commenced her work as the Diocese’s first bushfire recovery pastoral care worker. Janice will be working across the Eurobodalla Shire Council Area which includes the Parishes of Batemans Bay, Moruya and Bodalla/Narooma as well as St Peter’s Anglican...

Communion in a Time of Corona

Communion in a Time of Corona

Archdeacon Paul Cohen shares with us some pictures and details of how St Simon’s Kaleen is undertaking Communion during COVID-19: 1. Clergy sanitise their hands.2. People line up as usual – with tape on the floor to keep 1.5m distance in the line.3. One person at a...

Profile of the New Primate

Profile of the New Primate

The Brisbane-born Archbishop of Adelaide, Geoff Smith, succeeded Melbourne's Archbishop Philip Freier as Australia's new Primate after a sometimes tortuous electronic ballot by the Primatial Board of Electors that concluded in early April, just as the impact of...

Bishop Carol Writes …

Bishop Carol Writes …

Our media this week has been full of detail about the explosion in Beirut. An estimated 2,750 metric tons of ammonium nitrate, unsafely stored at a warehouse, has been blamed for the explosion. 137 people have been reported dead, more than 5000 injured, hundreds...

The Bush Church Dunny

The Bush Church Dunny

It happened at a tiny, old and very beautiful sandstone church, on one of my first Sundays in the little country parish. The church sat strategically on a rise in the midst of rolling, grassy paddocks. A herd of brown and white cows grazed lazily in the field next to...

From the Inside of an Aged Care Residence

John Donne’s Meditation XVII: No man is an island … ‘… all mankind is of one author, and is one volume. When one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated. God employs several...

Families with Disability and Online Church

Families with Disability and Online Church

Last year I had a dream that I arrived late to church one Sunday morning. Just as I was about to enter the building, I realised I was still wearing my pyjamas and slippers. Even in my dream I knew that pyjamas weren’t appropriate attire for church (as cool as my Star...

Worship in Isolation

Worship in Isolation

Pray as you can, and do not try to pray as you can’t.~John Chapman, English Benedictine monk At the time of writing, we should be in Geneva on a locum placement within the Diocese in Europe. It was to be our sixth extended period of ministry in Europe after full-time...