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Pelican Foundation

The Pelican Foundation provides a means to give expression to the vision of the Diocese and is therefore a mechanism for “engaging a world of difference with the love and truth of Jesus​”.

Preference for funding will be given to projects that expand the mission of God. The projects will:

  • engage the wider community with the love and truth of Jesus;
  • develop missional leaders;
  • equip God’s people for mission in the world and ministry in the church;
  • produce or strengthen new faith communities.

Structure of the Pelican Foundation

The Pelican Foundation is a specific trust of the Anglican Church Property Trust Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn. It receives and manages the investment and distribution of funds. Its assets are managed by the Board of the Pelican Foundation and the Registrar of the Diocese is the Secretary of the Board.

The current Board comprises:
Bishop Mark Short (President)
The Very Reverend Gavin Krebs​ (Chair)
Reverend Anna Boxwell
Reverend Judy Douglas
Mr Wayne Harris
Mr Jeff Buckpitt
Mr Paul Brand (Secretary Delegated by the Registrar)
Ms Barbara Chambers (Minutes Secretary Delegated by the Registrar)

Symbolism of the Pelican

The symbolism of the pelican originates from Medieval Europe where the mother pelican’s devotion and attentiveness is to the extent of providing her own blood for her young when no other food is available. Within Christianity this imagery became a symbol of the passion of Jesus and of the Eucharist. The Pelican symbolises Jesus our Redeemer, the One who gives His life for our redemption.

Assisting the Foundation

You can assist the Pelican Foundation by making a donation or bequest or by becoming a regular donor. Contributions to the Foundation will help to increase the capacity of the Board to fund additional projects and facilitate community engagement.

Click here for a donation form

Applying for a grant

Grants will only be made available to individuals or groups from within the Diocese who are endorsed by their parish council or governing body.

  1. Grants are made available to assist the Diocese, a parish or a Diocesan organisation.
  2. Grants will generally not be made available for capital projects such as building renovations; to fund parish budget deficits; or to maintain ‘business as usual’ ministry.

To download a copy of the objectives and funding principles of the Pelican Foundation Click here.

To download an Application Form Click here.

 For more information contact the Diocesan Office on 02 6245 7101.