Articles and Opinions
True and Lasting Joy – Bishop Mark Short
Christmas reminds us that true and lasting joy is a gift we receive not a state we achieve. In his webpost ‘How to Find Joy’ (www.tonyrobbins. com/mind-meaning/how-tofind- joy) life coach Anthony Robbins lists nine ways in which we can be more present and feel more...

Bishop Genieve’s Sermon from the 30th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women
To download a pdf of the sermon: Bishop Genieve Blackwell's Sermon from the 30th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women to the Priesthood, given at St Saviour’s Cathedral in Goulburn on the 5th November 2022.

Bishop Mark Writes … On Values and Virtues
Just as faith without works is dead, might values without virtues be empty? I’ll come back to what I mean by that but first I want to touch on the big sporting news of the past fortnight – not the tragic defeat of the Parramatta Eels but the appointment and subsequent...

Bishop Mark Writes … On the Death of the Queen
In the wake of the death of Queen Elizabeth, I’ve been reflecting on all the changes she encountered during her 70-year reign. The Bible reckons three score and ten to be a good number for an entire human life span; for her it was a term of active service. It...

Bishop Carol Writes … Healing Now
Do you ever wake up in the morning to find the latest drama you are dealing with entering your mind as you surface? As you drive to work or engage with your favourite activity, do you start mentally turning things over, looking for a solution? Someone commented at a...

Bishop Carol writes … a plea for Church unity
In the month of May our diocese faces two events that have the potential to challenge our unity as God’s people in this diocese – and in fact, in the Anglican Communion in Australia. The first is an election. All elections tend to bring out our differences, creating...

Lambeth Award for Bishop Stephen Pickard
As he marks his retirement from his roles as Director of the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture and Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn, Dr Stephen Pickard has been honoured by a prestigious international Anglican Award. Bishop Stephen...

Bishop Mark Writes … Easter 2022
I’ve always had a soft spot for the corroboree frog, but I never expected I would be compared to one. In a recent article in the Canberra Times it was suggested I have much in common with the tiny yellow and black striped amphibian. Drawing on Census data the writer...

Tips for Parish Strategic Planning
In the first part of this two-part series on parish strategic planning we saw that strategic planning was part of the core business of parish councils. Parish councils in conjunction with their rector/chaplain are called by the Governance of the Diocese Ordinance 2000...

Bishop Carol Writes … Standing in the Breach for Ukraine
We have all been following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. How could we not? It has been plastered across our media screens since Russia began amassing its forces at the Ukraine border and we have been kept graphically informed ever since. A few days after Russia...