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Safe Ministry Training

Safe Ministry training provides awareness training for all church workers in the concepts of Safe Ministry, and additional training for those responsible for the implementation of Diocesan Safe Ministry (safe church) requirements on the ground.

Safe Ministry Training takes in account:

  • Diocesan Safe Ministry procedures;
  • Safe Ministry to Children Canon;
  • Child protection related legislation;
  • Work Health and Safety; and
  • Child Safe Standards.

The company Creating Safer Communities produces and operates our Safe Ministry Training.

1. Safe Ministry Essentials (Module 1)

A course for all clergy and lay position holders to develop awareness of the Diocesan Safe Ministry policy, protocols, procedures, and practices.  The training includes biblical foundations; healthy team ministry; screening; boundaries; code of conduct; duty of care; responding to concerns; and self-care as church workers.

Delivery methods

  • Face to face workshop (two hours)
  • Zoom session (two hours)
  • Online via

Course cost – $20 per person.

2. Safe Ministry with Children and Young People (Module 2)

A course for all children and youth workers (lay and clergy) to develop awareness of Child Safety.  This course includes empowering children; identifying and responding to concerns (risk of harm); reducing the risks of child abuse; and caring for all parties.

To do this training, you must have done Safe Ministry Essentials (Module 1) first.

Delivery methods

  • Face to face workshop format (two hours)
  • Zoom session (two hours)
  • Online via

Course cost – $15 per person.

3. Safe Ministry Refresher

These courses provide an overview and update of information covered in the three years since Safe Ministry Training was last completed.

Delivery methods

  • Zoom session (two hours)
  • Online via

Course costs – $15 per person for Safe Ministry Essentials L1 Refresher; $10 for safe Ministry with Children L2 Refresher.

4. Safe Ministry Implementation session for Parish leadership

This course aims to develop awareness of, and assist with, Parish implementation of the Diocesan Safe Ministry Policy, Protocols and Procedures for clergy, Parish Council members, Parish Safe Ministry Coordinator and Ministry Program Coordinators.

Delivery methods

  • Zoom session (two hours)

Course cost – $20 per person.

Accessing Face to Face Safe Ministry Training

All training days have the following timetable:

  • 9 – 11am                     Module 1
  • 11:30am – 1:30pm       Module 2
  • 2 – 4 pm                      Module 3

Face to face training for 2024 will be held at these venues:

21st May                             Zoom Training (Module 3)
25th May                             Training Day (Modules 1-3) – Narooma

1 June                                 Training Day (Modules 1-3) – Canberra (St Johns Reid)
3rd June                              Zoom Training (Module 3)
15th June                            Training Day (Module 1-3) – Cooma (Saint Paul’s Cooma)
18th June                            Zoom Training (Module 3)
22nd June                           Training Day (Modules 1-3) – Canberra (Weston)

Morning tea will be provided at 11am on training days, but participants will need to supply their own lunch from 1:30-2:00pm.

To register for face to face and Zoom workshops, please email


Accessing Online Safe Ministry Training  

All Safe Ministry courses are available Online. Individuals can enrol themselves at any time and work through the course at their own pace at their own time.  Parishes may also enrol a number of people at the same time and then provide each worker or Group Facilitator with their registration details.

  • Safe Ministry Essentials (Module 1) $20
  • Safe Ministry to Children and Young People (Module 2) $15
  • Safe Ministry Essentials L1 Refresher ($15)
  • Safe Ministry with Children L2 Refresher ($10)

To start, please go to to pay either by credit card or direct deposit.  Following payment, you will receive an email containing a hyperlink to your course.

Safe Ministry Implementation – Level 3 Training

Please read the instructions here on how to pay for online training.

Please read the instructions here for how to access the course.

What Training Should I Complete?

Safe Ministry Training is required every 3 years.

If you have not undertaken training in our Diocese in the past or your training was more than 3 years ago, you will need to do the Module 1 course and, if a child or youth worker, the Module 2 course.

If your training was done 3 years ago, you will need to do the Refresher workshops – Module 1, and, if a child or youth worker, Module 2.

The Safe Ministry Implementation Session is optional for parish leaders and is offered via zoom – contact the Safe Ministry Unit for more information.

Booking a Face to Face or Zoom Workshop

There is a minimum number of attendees for these sessions i.e. 20 people.

If your Parish would like to host a Face to Face or Zoom please contact the Safe Ministry Unit.

Who pays attend the training?

Parishes or Ministry Units meet the costs of training sessions,

For on-line training where the individual has enrolled themselves, Open Learning will provide a receipt that can be presented to the Parish/Ministry Unit for reimbursement.