Reporting Abuse and Complaints
The Diocese takes a strong stance on abuse and or misconduct, and has policies and ordinances to ensure fair and just response to all allegations of abuse or misconduct.
The Professional Standards Director
The role of the Professional Standards Director (PSD) is to receive, assess and manage cases of complaints of misconduct and abuse.
The Professional Standards Committee
The role of the Professional Standards Committee (PSC) is to investigate complaints which are deemed to be allegations of serious breaches of the Code of Good Practice. In the case of licenced church workers, they are to refer matters to the Professional Standards Board, or in the case of lay church worker to the Bishop, for determination in relation to appropriate disciplinary action. The Committee may also decline to investigate complaints it deems to be vexatious, false, misconceived or trivial.
The Committee may make recommendations to Bishop-in-Council regarding changes to the Ordinance or to any policy or procedure that relates to the Ordinance. The Committee also has the power to recommend suspension or the issuing of a prohibition order in accordance with the Ordinance.
The Professional Standards Board
The Professional Standards Board (PSB) enquires into and determines matters referred to it by the Professional Standards Committee in relation to a church worker’s fitness for service under S.50 of the PSO. If the PSB determines that there has been a serious breach of the Code of Good Practice and/or the terms of their Holy Orders or employment (where applicable), the Board may make recommendations to the Bishop in relation to discipline. These recommendations depend on an assessment of the gravity of the matter.
The Diocesan Professional Standards Office is independently operated by Creating Safer Communities.
To report concerns, allegations of misconduct by church workers or seek advice please call the Safe Ministry Helpline 1800 070 511 (Monday – Friday 9am-5pm).
You can also email the Safe Ministry Helpline –
Director of Professional Standards Peter Barnett –
Deputy Director of Professional Standards Chris Smith –
For more detailed information click the following links to Diocesan policies and procedures:
(a) Protocol for Responding to Abuse and Harm from Misconduct
(b) Fact Sheet – New Reporting Requirements for Child Protection
(c) Professional Standards Ordinance
(d) Code of Good Practice (Code of Conduct for church workers in the Diocese)
(e) National Register Canonccc