Ministry Executive
The Ministry Executive is an executive group within Bishop-in-Council and was established by Synod to enhance the capacity of Bishop-in-Council for effective planning and implementation of decisions concerning the mission and ministry of the Church in the Diocese; and the strategic application of diocesan resources relating to that mission and ministry.
The role of the Ministry Executive is to:
- Provide leadership in the development of policies and strategies for the mission and ministry of the diocese;
- Implement policies and strategies approved by Bishop-in-Council;
- To exercise certain powers of Bishop-in-Council between meetings;
- To bring recommendations to Bishop-in-Council on any matter within the powers and functions of Bishop-in-Council;
- Make recommendations to Bishop-in-Council on Committee/Board nominations.
The Ministry Executive membership is comprised of the Bishop, Registrar, Chancellor and no more than 10 others appointed by the Bishop from time to time on the advice of Bishop-in-Council, of which 5 must be members of Bishop-in-Council. All members of Ministry Executive become members of Bishop-in-Council. Members are selected on the basis of their abilities and involvement with the life of the Diocese.
Meetings of Ministry Executive are held on a monthly basis.