Everyone Welcome: Accessible Church for All

The reference guide, Everyone Welcome, was written by Dr Louise Gosbell to assist parishes and Diocesan Agencies in their endeavours to create places of belonging and discipleship for people with disability, of all ages.
Embracing Ministries and the Anglican Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn are pleased to make this resource available as we seek to live out the Diocesan mission of “engaging a world of difference with the love and truth of Jesus”.
Everyone Welcome provides guidelines and a helpful toolbox for working towards greater inclusion of people with disability, enabling each parish to go at their own pace and to address issues of accessibility and inclusion that are locally relevant.
Inside you will find a range of resources, and also links to other sources of information and assistance.
We are committed to making this document accessible to everyone.
Accessibility features are currently being implemented and will be available soon. We apologise for any inconvenience and welcome your questions or feedback to Kia via info@embracingministries.org.
Whether you’re just beginning the journey of understanding disability or experienced in discipleship and inclusion alongside people with disability, this is a great resource, providing everything from an overview of the theology of disability through to practical steps to take to make improvement.
Dr Kia Wallwork, Director Embracing Ministries

Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash