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Seeing What Matters to God

Seeing What Matters to God

Everybody needs good neighbours – don’t they?Monica and I have recently been through the process of deciding where to live in Canberra. We discovered all sorts of resources designed to help us make that choice. Go online and you can find the socio-economic score of a...

Opening of the 46th Parliament

Opening of the 46th Parliament

This morning Bishop Mark preached at the ecumenical service to mark the opening of the 46th Parliament.You can read the sermon text here.

How God’s Judgement Can Unite Us

I’ve only ever once had someone tell me to ‘go to hell’. They were angry, perhaps with good reason. Still, their words stung and wounded. For a time our relationship was distant and strained.Words about hell and judgement can do that. Spoken carelessly or in anger,...

Seeing What Matters to God

Bishop Mark Writes

Life is always lived forwards, but often learned backwards. That was certainly the experience of the first followers of the risen Lord Jesus. From the other side of the cross and empty tomb they were able to look back on their experiences of the past three years with...

Welcome to Bishop Mark

Welcome to Bishop Mark

On a splendid Autumn day in Goulburn the Diocese celebrated the consecration and installation of the Reverend Dr Mark Short as its 11th Diocesan Bishop in a service at St Saviour’s Cathedral.Long, bright robed lines formed outside in the sun before the service began...

Bishop Trevor Writes …

Dear sisters and brothers, As I begin my last month as Episcopal Administrator I want to thank you all very much for your sustaining prayers in this long transitional period in the life of our Diocese. As I have moved around I have regularly met folk who...

Origins of the Vulning Pelican

Origins of the Vulning Pelican

When I first moved into the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn, I was intrigued by the image of the pelican with its bill to its chest, showering its young in liquid, found on our Diocesan crest. So began a little research project into the origin of this most curious...

Dual Citizens Must Face a Choice

On Australia Day, along with my wife, Ruth, and our incoming diocesan bishop, Mark, and his wife, Monica, I partook of the hospitality of the Prime Minister at the Lodge. The day was extremely hot and the dress code was officially relaxed so we did not have to wear...

Charges Against Clergyman – Statement by Diocesan Administrator

When the Diocese became aware of a breach of our Code of Good Practice on 29 October 2018, Brian Champness was immediately suspended and has subsequently resigned his position. We informed the police straight away, and have been actively cooperating with them and...

Rich and Getting Richer

Rich and Getting Richer

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich. (2 Corinthians 8:9) They used to call them financial advisers or even simply bank officers; now they are...