Information for Ministry Units
Information and documents required by parishes and ministry units is primarily to be found under the Anglican Diocesan Services (ADS) tab in the main menu.
Corona Virus Recommendations
Second Coronavirus Parish Update
Documents and Forms
To locate relevant forms and documents visit the Administration Documents page, where there are sections for governance, finance, human resources property, insurance, work health and safety and more.
For information and documents relating to Licensing of Clergy and Lay Ministers visit the Discipleship and Ministry Licensing page.
Parish Administration
Details of the requirements for Parish Administration (parish council and wardens) can be found in Schedule 7, beginning page 61, of the Governance of the Diocese Ordinance.
Safe Ministries
All forms relating to safe ministry in the Diocese can be found on the Forms and Resources for Ministry Units page of the Safe Ministry Unit.
Hazard and Incident Reporting
These areas are located within the Risk and Compliance Directorate. Many forms can be found on the Safety Risk Register and the Administration Documents.
Insurance – Certificates of Currency
The certificates of currency for insurance are available from the Administration Documents page.