Bishop’s Office
The Bishop is the Chief Pastor of the Diocese with wide-ranging spiritual, legal and administrative responsibilities. His roles include: oversight of the Diocesan mission; pastoral care to the clergy and laity; preservation of unity; teaching and defending the faith; preaching; providing leadership and vision in mission and outreach, nurture of the poor and needy, proclamation of the gospel, hospitality, being the final decision maker for professional standards, President of Synod and much more.
In overseeing the Diocese the Bishop operates in close consultation with the Vicar-General, Assistant Bishops, the Dean of the Cathedral, Archdeacons, Area Deans and other senior clergy and lay leaders. In specialist matters he consults with the relevant Ministry Units, Synod, Bishop-in-Council, the legal group and appropriate Diocesan agencies. The Bishop is in regular communication with clergy and lay leaders of the Diocese through his monthly letter Ad Clerum, and in contact with the wider Diocesan family through Anglican News, Pastoral Letters, parish visits and the many and varied functions he attends.
The Bishop is ably supported in these diverse responsibilities by all of those groups but in particular by the Vicar-General, the staff of the Bishop’s Office, the Diocesan Registrar and ADS staff.
Members of the Bishop’s Office
Diocesan Bishop: The Right Reverend Dr Mark Short
Executive Officer to the Diocesan Bishop: Alison Payne
Vicar-General: The Right Reverend Vanessa Bennett
Archdeacon for Chaplaincy: The Venerable Emma Street
Executive Assistant to the Assistant Bishop and Archdeacon for Chaplaincy: Polly Baker
The Bishop’s Office responsibilities include the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer; the discernment, selection, training and formation for ordained ministry; ministry appointments, inductions and commissionings; licensing of lay ministers and clergy and guidance on a wide range of pastoral matters.