New Stained Glass Windows for St Peter’s, Nimmitabel
These two stories and photographs were first published in the Monaro Post and are reproduced with permission Nimmitabel’s St Peter’s Anglican Church is one of the oldest stone churches on the Monaro. It was completed in 1882 and has been in regular use since that...
Ecumenical Prayer Vigil for Ukraine
On Ash Wednesday St Paul’s in Manuka hosted an ecumenical vigil for peace in Ukraine, organised by Bishop Mark and Canon Ben Edwards. The Ash Wednesday liturgy was adapted to commence with a prayer vigil, climaxing with the Greeting of Peace and Holy Communion....
St John’s Farewells Canberra Original Margaret Magi
Our Margaret Magi is one of Canberra’s ‘originals’. Margaret has lived 94 out of her 95 years here in Canberra. Surely close to a record? It is our loss that she is shortly relocating to Brisbane to be closer to her daughter and to her elder sister Jean! That’s not a...
St John’s Young Hosts a Men’s Breakfast with Sir Peter Cosgrove
Sir Peter Cosgrove was the guest speaker at the Men’s Breakfast hosted by St John’s Anglican Church, Young, on Saturday 29 January in the church hall. This visit was extremely popular and over-subscribed. General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK AC(Mil) CVO MC...
Tips for Parish Strategic Planning
In the first part of this two-part series on parish strategic planning we saw that strategic planning was part of the core business of parish councils. Parish councils in conjunction with their rector/chaplain are called by the Governance of the Diocese Ordinance 2000...
Curtin Celebrates Ten Years with Rector
Reverend Guy Matthews recently celebrated ten years as Rector of Good Shepherd, Curtin. Guy and Sita were interviewed during the 4:30pm service by the Chair of Parish Council, Michael Simon, and Anglican News asked Guy some questions about longer term ministry in one...
Ordination of Deacons and Priests
On 26th February in St Saviour’s Cathedral Bishop Mark ordained four new priests and two deacons. Bishop Carol, who is also Director of Ordination, preached to those gathered saying: ‘Being called by God to ministry is both a wonderful privilege and serious...
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Memorably Celebrated at St Paul’s Manuka
On 6 February 2022, St Paul’s Manuka joined churches around Australia and the Commonwealth to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Her Majesty the Queen’s accession to the throne with a Festal Evensong service. No other Australian (or even British) monarch has ever...