ADS farewells long-serving CIO Vince Dove
In the first office morning-tea gathering since the pandemic, Anglican Diocesan Services (ADS) staff farewelled Chief Information Officer Vince Dove after 20 years of service, with speeches, gifts, much gratitude for his wonderful contribution and every blessing for...
Bishop Carol writes … a plea for Church unity
In the month of May our diocese faces two events that have the potential to challenge our unity as God’s people in this diocese – and in fact, in the Anglican Communion in Australia. The first is an election. All elections tend to bring out our differences, creating...
Genevieve Jacobs on the Role of Media in Australia
Media matters never more than now, Genevieve Jacobs AM, Group Editor of Region Media, told the attendees of the Christians for an Ethical Society annual dinner on 15 March 2022. Her talk, which also told us much about her own history and love for what is good, true...
Pray for Nigeria
Late last year, Canon Hassan John, a pastor from the Diocese of Jos in Nigeria, asked Anglican Aid for prayer. Christians in the north-east were being targeted by the Islamist group Boko Haram. As locals travelled between villages, Boko Haram militants were setting up...