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Is Science a Reliable Way to Truth

Is Science a Reliable Way to Truth

Recently Good Shepherd Anglican, Curtin, held a seminar on Humility and Knowledge: Reflections on truth, faith and  Philosophy, presented by Dr Ryan Young, who holds a PhD in Philosophy and Logic from ANU. After detailed reflection on the findings of his research in...

Live for self or live for others?

I recently had the real privilege of speaking at a Year 12 valedictory service in Canberra where I was able to ask the exiting students what contribution they intended to make for the good of the world and our society. On the basis of a text from Philippians 2 I asked...

A Bishop Through Joy & Pain

The year was 1915. World War I had begun to take its terrible toll on the lives of Australians. The long ministry of Bishop Barlow had come to an end. The question arose: who would be the new Bishop who could speak clearly and publicly on the issue of war, as well as...

The Legacy of Burgmann

While readers of Anglican News may be understandably hazy about the stories of some of the previous bishops featured in this series (or indeed even the names of some!), the same is much less likely to be true of Ernest Henry Burgmann. Though it is already more than 50...
Tips for Building Resilience

Tips for Building Resilience

In June this year Dr Emma Glanville, a psychiatrist at Canberra Hospital, spoke at a women’s evening at Good Shepherd, Curtin, on the topic of Resilience. We thought the tips for building resilience might be of benefit to the well-being of readers, as they...
Bishop Trevor Writes – Growing Goodness

Bishop Trevor Writes – Growing Goodness

Although we often feel we would like to live in a bubble protected from the distresses around us, news of drought, flood, fire, famine and danger screams its way into our homes through television, social media and our direct connections with our neighbours. Certainly...