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Afghanistan – A Reflection by Reverend Steve Neuhaus

Afghanistan – A Reflection by Reverend Steve Neuhaus

IN TIMES OF TROUBLE TRY NOT TO GROW WEARY OF DOING GOOD Many of us have been looking on with dismay at the sudden fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban. Afghanistan is one of the most beautiful yet stark countries I have ever been in. Over the last few thousand years...
A Deacon in Transition – Reverend Colleen Close

A Deacon in Transition – Reverend Colleen Close

When God calls one to serve in a different way, unexpected doors open revealing where God wants one to minister. This door opened for me in palliative care needs in our local hospital. I was ordained Deacon on 1st December 2007. My Rector was Reverend David Ruthven...
St Alban the Martyr Woden Patronal Festival

St Alban the Martyr Woden Patronal Festival

On a lovely sunny weekend (26th-27th June 2021), St Alban’s Woden celebrated its patronal festival with Bishop Donald Kirk (Riverina Diocese) as our guest preacher and presider. Many of the parish family turned up to one of the four services, and either stayed or...

Who’s In? Who’s Out?- by Bishop Stephen

‘To cherish and strive for a Church that welcomes all shades of faith and keeps the sacramental table open for all – the proud, the foolish, the misguided and the over-zealous – takes courage, tenacity and perseverance. In a fractious and divided world; in a time of...
Bells Ring Out Around the World

Bells Ring Out Around the World

2021 is the 200th anniversary of the invention of the Ellacombe Chime, a method of installing and ringing bells invented by the Reverend Henry Ellacombe who became curate at St Mary’s Church in Bitton, England, in 1817. In an Ellacombe Chime the bells are fixed in...

Opinion: Forgiveness by Dr Monica Short

Forgiveness can be thoughtfully examined theoretically through an integrated lens with a knowledge base in social work, sociology, and theology. However, intimately experiencing it seems to me to create a richer awareness of what forgiveness is. My musing on the...
Split Diocese

Split Diocese

​The landscape of our country seems to fluctuate often these days. We go from periods of relative freedom to sudden bouts of lockdown with seemingly nary a warning. It’s a stressful time with daily lives being affected, and people are understandably upset. What I...

New Principal for The Anglican School Googong

Colin May is a highly regarded educator and experienced Principal of more than four decades. After a long teaching career in Primary and Secondary Education at St Andrew’s Cathedral School, including establishing ‘Kirrikee’ Outdoor Education Centre, and Trinity...

Meet Vocational Deacon Leonie White

Recently I was struck by an image posted on Facebook of a person leaning on a shovel in a very large paddock. The comment was that prayer without action is equivalent to this character with a huge task ahead of him, leaning there on his shovel waiting for something to...
Clergy Retreat Recharge Reflections

Clergy Retreat Recharge Reflections

Last November, all clergy were invited to the annual clergy retreat at Galong. I have to admit that as both a newcomer to the Diocese and an evangelical Anglican I was a bit unsure about a silent clergy retreat. It wasn’t something that was part of my tradition and...