Surprising hope in aged care
Easter is a time of renewal, of new beginnings and resurrection. During Holy Week we will share stories from around the Diocese of how the surprising hope of Easter has impacted people’s lives. Our first story comes from one of our deacons that works as a chaplain...
Anglicare NSW South, NSW West and ACT Writing Retreat
‘I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly.’ John 10:10 (ESV) On the 18th to 20 January 2021, the Anglicare Registered Training Organisation team ‘Anglicare College’ – Reverend Sarah Plummer, Executive Manager of Mission + Culture; Shy...
#Change the Heart
For several years Aunty Jean Phillips has been calling Christians to pray for justice, truth-telling, and healing at the #ChangetheHeart prayer services in the lead up to January 26th. This year Aunty Jean, with the support of Common Grace, made a #ChangetheHeart...
Empowering Indigenous Christians at Nungalinya
Ruth Walton is a Priest from this Diocese currently serving in the Northern Territory. It’s Sunday afternoon, we are on the way home from church when my phone rings out of the blue. ‘Hello Ruth. Could you pick me up and take me to Nungalinya?’ An hour later, as the...
Pastoral Care at the Good Shepherd
Good Shepherd Anglican in Curtin recently launched a new pastoral care team. ‘The impetus for starting the pastoral care team wasn’t so much driven by COVID, growth or a lack of staff but by God’s word’ says Reverend Tim Purser. ‘We dream of a church that truly...Beyond Being ‘On The Roster’ – Teams, Discipleship and Leadership Coaching
Our delightful Archdeacon to the Deacons, Jane Simmonds, has asked me to share a little of my ministry with my church, Renew Anglican Church, Tuggeranong. There are many things I do as a pastor of Renew, and one thing is leadership development and discipleship in our...
Meet Newly-Ordained Deacon Byron Steele
On Saturday 13th February Byron Steele was ordained as a Deacon in the Diocese at St Saviour’s Cathedral. He will serve as Deacon Assistant in Gungahlin Parish and as a Defence Force (Navy) Chaplain. Bishop to the Defence Force, The Right Reverend Grant Dibden,...