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‘I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly.’ John 10:10 (ESV)



On the 18th to 20 January 2021, the Anglicare Registered Training Organisation team ‘Anglicare College’ – Reverend Sarah Plummer, Executive Manager of Mission + Culture; Shy Watson, Workforce Co-ordinator; Miranda James, Student Manager; Sonia Barnsley, Compliance Officer and New ECEC Trainer Jenny Matos – came together for a writing weekend in Mittagong. They were joined by industry experts Rose Young, Early Childhood Manager and Reconciliation Action Plan Chair, and Monica Short, a lecturer from Charles Sturt University and joint author of ‘Contemporising teaching case management: mapping the tensions’. The writers reviewed the content for: Anglicare professional development courses in 2021 and beyond; the Anglicare Staff Survey; the Business case for the Registered Training Organisation; and the Student Management Plan.

The team also analysed needs in professional development for Anglicare staff. The enhancements to the Anglicare products will enrich staff training and support vital work in local communities undertaken by Anglicare.

The Early Childhood Centres and Long Day Care centres are excelling the standards in the sector. This, coupled with our holistic care approach to our training of students, gives us a unique edge. The 2021 training will help give Anglicare staff and other students of the College the confidence to make informed decisions when undertaking case management and care of those the organisations serves.

At the retreat, Sarah Plummer reminded us of the Anglicare vision. ‘Called by Jesus’ example to respond to human need and social injustice’, Anglicare is known for its ‘successful strategies to alleviate poverty in our regions’. Further, the 2019-2020 Annual Report states: ‘Our aim is to give people … the hope and support they need to move through trauma and adversity and into a more enriching life’ with a focus on hope, healing and thriving.

This year looks to be an exciting year for Anglicare NSW South, NSW West and ACT. We pray that all staff in Anglicare and students in the College will flourish in 2021.

by Reverend Sarah Plummer and Monica Short

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