Restoration and Re-Dedication at Boorowa
In the crisp, sparkling autumn weather of last Sunday morning, Assistant Bishop the Right Reverend Carol Wagner, resplendent in the traditional cope and mitre, officially re-dedicated historic items of the fabric of St John’s Church, Boorowa. The recently-restored...
Bishop Carol Writes …
This week, I sat with a Sri Lankan refugee family as they processed devastating news. Their appeal to remain in Australia after ten years on a temporary visa has been denied. They face deportation to a country where they will once again live in fear. Mum was weeping...
Bishop Carol Writes …
Our media this week has been full of detail about the explosion in Beirut. An estimated 2,750 metric tons of ammonium nitrate, unsafely stored at a warehouse, has been blamed for the explosion. 137 people have been reported dead, more than 5000 injured, hundreds...
The Bush Church Dunny
It happened at a tiny, old and very beautiful sandstone church, on one of my first Sundays in the little country parish. The church sat strategically on a rise in the midst of rolling, grassy paddocks. A herd of brown and white cows grazed lazily in the field next to...