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Crossing the Aisle

Crossing the Aisle

On 3 March 2020 the clergy from across the Diocese gathered for their Annual One Day Clergy Conference. Peter Carolane from Melbourne, who has had a long involvement in youth ministry and church planting, gave two presentations on ‘Crossing the Aisle’. To ‘cross the...
On the Writing of Poetry

On the Writing of Poetry

John Foulcher, a retired Deputy Principal from Burgmann College, who is married to Jane, the Deputy Director of St Mark’s National Theological Centre,  recently won the Australian Catholic University Prize for poetry for his poem Revising Casuarinas, so we...
Bishop Mark Writes

Bishop Mark Writes

Life is always lived forwards, but often learned backwards. That was certainly the experience of the first followers of the risen Lord Jesus. From the other side of the cross and empty tomb they were able to look back on their experiences of the past three years with...

The Legacy of Bishop Clements

When Ken Clements took up the role of Bishop of our diocese in 1961, though he came from serving as Bishop of Grafton, he had had a long history amongst us. He was rector of Tumbarumba and Gunning successively. He was made registrar by Bishop Burgmann, and his skill...
Is Science a Reliable Way to Truth

Is Science a Reliable Way to Truth

Recently Good Shepherd Anglican, Curtin, held a seminar on Humility and Knowledge: Reflections on truth, faith and  Philosophy, presented by Dr Ryan Young, who holds a PhD in Philosophy and Logic from ANU. After detailed reflection on the findings of his research in...

Live for self or live for others?

I recently had the real privilege of speaking at a Year 12 valedictory service in Canberra where I was able to ask the exiting students what contribution they intended to make for the good of the world and our society. On the basis of a text from Philippians 2 I asked...