Oct 9, 2018 | Articles, News
I recently had the real privilege of speaking at a Year 12 valedictory service in Canberra where I was able to ask the exiting students what contribution they intended to make for the good of the world and our society. On the basis of a text from Philippians 2 I asked...
Aug 9, 2018 | Articles, News
Although we often feel we would like to live in a bubble protected from the distresses around us, news of drought, flood, fire, famine and danger screams its way into our homes through television, social media and our direct connections with our neighbours. Certainly...
Jul 10, 2018 | Articles, News
Coping with divisive conflict within a Christian congregation is a debilitating experience. Moreover it vitiates any sense of being the good news of the love of Jesus for the broader community. As a bishop ordained to be a focus and agent of unity I have sadly had to...
May 2, 2018 | Articles, News
I have been following with dismay the findings of the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry. It is bad enough that deceit, exploitation and fraudulent practices took place, even worse that outright lying to...