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When a Pandemic Prevents a Synod

When a Pandemic Prevents a Synod

Over two weeks in September Diocesan Update zoom meetings were held in four regions across the Diocese, in lieu of the Annual Synod in Goulburn, which will now take place in April 2021. Bishop Mark opened his presentation by sharing a slide show of the year set to the...
Profile of a Deacon – Heather Millard

Profile of a Deacon – Heather Millard

‘Charlie 94 to Control …’ It’s official, I’m now on active duty as a Chaplain for the NSW Ambulance Service. I don’t know what the day will hold, but I’m starting out with a delivery of hot chocolate and marshmallows to Queanbeyan station because it really is a...

Thank You to Two Diocesan Stalwarts

Two of the Diocese’s long-serving members have recently resigned: Archdeacon Brian Douglas from 10 August and Canon Gill Varcoe from 1 September. Bishop Mark, in the most recent meeting of Bishop-in-Council, said these words of thanksgiving for The Venerable Dr Brian...


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned that the following story contains images of deceased persons. The daily news about COVID-19 is a current reminder of our mortality, and that life is finite. Recently we (Bishop Mark and Monica Short) have said...
Running a Small Business During COVID-19

Running a Small Business During COVID-19

We interviewed small business owner Gail Lubbock, of Escala Shoes, to find out what the impacts of COVID-19 have been for her and how she has been managing those. • Can you tell us how you came to be the owner of Escala Shoes? Following a nursing career spanning some...
Profile of the New Primate

Profile of the New Primate

The Brisbane-born Archbishop of Adelaide, Geoff Smith, succeeded Melbourne’s Archbishop Philip Freier as Australia’s new Primate after a sometimes tortuous electronic ballot by the Primatial Board of Electors that concluded in early April, just as the...