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Silencing the Church?

Throughout history the church has had a role in bringing attention to important community issues and speaking truth to power. In ancient Rome at times bishops courageously challenged the moral validity of the actions of the emperor. Christians were likewise active in...
‘2020 and Onwards’ Wall Hanging

‘2020 and Onwards’ Wall Hanging

What do you do when thrust into unimagined upheaval, distress and uncertainty. During 2020 an idea was born at St Simon’s Kaleen of sharing something of our journeys through these ‘unprecedented’ times. So making a ‘2020 and Onwards’ wall hanging of patches was...
Children and Youth Ministry

Children and Youth Ministry

Mark 10:13-16 tells us Jesus was indignant. ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to them.’ We are entreated to receive the Kingdom of God as a little child. Jesus embraces the children and blesses them. Children...
Growth at St Peter’s Anglican College, Broulee

Growth at St Peter’s Anglican College, Broulee

The first 15 years of St Peter’s saw the school go through some ups and downs like many new schools. The last four years has seen the school develop into a high-quality school with enrolments improving nearly 80% in this time. Here we chat with the St Peter’s...
Making History at Burgmann Anglican School

Making History at Burgmann Anglican School

After an exhaustive national search, the Burgmann Anglican School Board has appointed Ms Leonie Harwood as its third Principal. Her appointment marks a significant milestone in the history of Burgmann Anglican School as the first female Principal in the co-educational...
To Be Confirmed …

To Be Confirmed …

‘Anglicanism,’ wrote the late theologian J.I. Packer, ‘is a pastoral form of Christianity’. By this he meant that conversion and discipleship typically take place, not via the podcast or the large convention, but through a local community and its pattern of catechism...