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What Australia Day could learn from Good Friday

What Australia Day could learn from Good Friday

Over the last couple of weeks, the national conversation has turned its gaze to Australia day and whether we should #changethedate. There are two big dangers here: Firstly, moving the date will be about as well received as when the English Puritan Parliament cancelled...

Love is in the air

It is springtime, indeed almost summer, the traditional time for love and weddings, although I do remember many spring brides in horse and carriages where spring showers rather dampened the romantic celebration. Certainly the idea of romantic love has been dominant in...

Is there a right way to do evangelism?

Have you noticed that Christians have strong opinions about the “right” way to share the message of Jesus? There are some who think fresh-contact evangelism (sharing the gospel with people you don’t know) is immoral, because they consider it inauthentic. There are...