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Parishes & Ministry Units

Toolkit Resources

Practical tools and essential resources to help your Parish or Ministry Unit take action to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.

Parishes & Ministry Units

Many of our parishes and ministry units have already been actively implementing environmental initiatives to reduce their carbon footprint and improve energy and resource use efficiency.

If we are to meet our emissions reduction target of net zero by 2040, we need to continue these efforts. Therefore, all Parishes and Ministry Units are encouraged to develop appropriate strategies to assess and report voluntarily on carbon emission reductions, which are relevant to their context and within their current resourcing capacity. This will then allow progress to be objectively tracked and monitored.

Some of our parishes and ministry units are blessed with substantial amounts of undeveloped land that contributes to the natural environment. This in turn provides essential habitat for bird and animal life and native flora, enriching the biodiversity.  We are also blessed with unique ecosystems across the various regions of the Diocese (i.e. coast, alpine, bushland and agricultural farmland etc.).

On church grounds, there is an increasing movement toward developing community gardens and/or having reflective and contemplative gardens (e.g. labyrinths, micro forests, prayer gardens etc.).

Some parishes and ministry units are also now partnering with community organisations to develop these initiatives.

Other partnership opportunities include engaging with:

  • LandCare/Greening Australia
  • Local First Nations groups on land management and bushfire management/resilience
  • Local gardening groups/Organic growers
  • Beekeepers
  • Wildlife groups
  • Other advocacy groups

Liturgically, there is growing emphasis on teaching about our connection to creation and our responsibility for the care of our planet, acknowledging the impacts of climate change and the social justice considerations (eco-justice).

Across our parishes and ministry units there are existing strong connections with Anglicare in terms of social welfare, disaster recovery and resilience building initiatives.   

Opportunities exist to build greater engagement and understanding of the impacts of climate change on vulnerable people within our communities as well as neighbouring countries across the Pacific and more broadly.

Communicate Care of Creation

Click of the links to view the resource.

General Synod Statement


  • Making a World of Difference by Dave Bookless
  • Saying Yes to Life written by Ruth Valerio
  • Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World written by Katharine Hayhoe
  • All Things New written by Ruth Valerio
  • Earthkeeping and Character: Exploring a Christian
  • Ecological Virtue Ethic by written Steven Bouma-Prediger
  • Salvation Means Creation Healed written by Howard A. Snyder with Joel Scandrett
  • A Christian’s Guide to Planet Earth: Why It Matters and How to Care For It written by Betsy Painter

Book Recommendations – Common Grace

Sustainability & Climate Action Training / Seminars Podcasts

Assess & Analyse

Click of the links to view the resource.

Carbon Emissions Calculators

There are many online carbon emissions calculators.  Be aware that many of these online calculators are linked to their own offsetting programs which you are not obliged to use.

We recommend the following Australian ones, which are easy to use:

The Carbon Positive calculator

Calculate Your Carbon Emissions | Carbon Positive Australia


Carbon Neutral – Carbon Calculator

Online Carbon Calculator – Measure Your Footprint | Carbon Neutral

Funding Sources

We have compiled a summary document outlining some of the funding and opportunities that exist in relation to Reducing our Footprint, Building Resilience and Disaster Recovery:

Summary of Climate Change Funding & Opportunities (coming soon). In the interim, refer to the ACT & NSW Government websites and Local Council websites.  


Rebates and incentives – Climate Choices (



GreenPower | NSW Climate and Energy Action

Funding and support | NSW Environment and Heritage

Grants and funding | NSW Government

Report & Reduce

Click of the links to view the resource.

Engage & Encourage

Click of the links to view the resource.

Explore our resource

Downloadable Tools & Guides

Climate Change Action Plan

Click to download the Anglican Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn’s commitment to climate change.

Extra Resource

Click to read ARRCC Christian Climate Action Kit which has information and resources covering all four C A R E areas.

Emissions Reporting in 3 Steps (CCR)

Collect. Calculate. Report.

Click to download and follow the Emissions Reporting in 3 Steps.

Get in Touch for Climate Action

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our climate change action plan or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are here to support our parishes, schools, and agencies in implementing effective carbon reduction measures.

Contact us using the form below or through the provided contact details.