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Bishop Mark Short had the immense honour of preaching at the last of the COVID-19 combined services for St John’s Anglican Church, Bega; St Martin By The Sea, Tathra; and Christ Church, Bemboka, on the 11th October.

The congregations celebrated this transition in true grand Anglican style, with a service including Bible readings, listening to hymns, preaching, prayers and communion. A scrumptious home-cooked morning tea followed this. And, yes, all in a COVID-19-safe manner.

People are excited that services are resuming in all three churches on the 18th October.

We very much appreciate your prayers for all churches in our beautiful Diocese and their transition to face-to-face services over the next little while. Thanks be to God for the glorious opportunity to meet face-to-face again and to collectively remember what Jesus has done for us.

If you can, please pray that the transitions are smooth and gentle and that no one feels forgotten. Please pray that everyone stays healthy. Please pray a blessing on all those delightful people who are making the grounds attractive and the buildings beautiful, and also COVID-clean, for God’s glory and so that people feel loved and welcomed. Thank you to everyone for pastorally looking out for each other during this complicated time. You are wonderful. Bless you.

by Monica Short

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