On Saturday 27th June, a small group of Christians and enquirers celebrated with Michelle Winter at her baptism in All Saints’ Church, Bodalla.
As she was washed clean in the waters of baptism and confessed Christ as her Lord, Saviour and friend, we prayed for her to be filled with the Holy Spirit and rejoiced with her that she had fulfilled a heart promise made many years ago to God; by honouring the memory of her Nan and a kind uncle who lived near Cadgee Mountain, Bodalla, who both by their lives and faithfulness had taught her about God’s love and living presence in her life.
She says: ‘I can’t put into words how special it was to me. I was surrounded by the most loving, caring people. I was overwhelmed with love! God has been a part of my whole life and I’m so glad I could finally give my loyalty to him. You and the parish people who attended the baptism made it all the more special for me, to have loving Christians supporting me. Mum dad and I were so happy. Again thank you for everything, and the beautiful candle and cross. I’ve been listening to Christian radio and I absolutely love it. Please thank all the people who attended for me again! Wonderful photos thank you!’
Keep praying, God’s Spirit is calling to others like Michelle every day and in many places. Rejoice in the Lord!
by Reverend Mandy Wheatley